Historic New York Harbor
Historic New York Harbor
%22Bird's Eye View of New Orleans%22_1853 Illustrated London News_Black & White.jpg


Welcome to Historic NY Harbor, a pictorial and video blog focused on the ever-changing history of one of the world's busiest and most famous ports.

Like the city it surrounds, envelops and winds through, New York Harbor and its tributaries are ever changing, as much living entities as the souls who inhabit and make their living on and around it.

This blog is by no means meant as a comprehensive reference and has no particular focus as far as geographical area, historical era or subject goes. We just happen to make our living in the harbor and are endlessly fascinated by it. This blog simply reflects that fascination.

Each week we will post new entries or update existing ones with simple, picture-driven posts and videos. Each will in some way attempt not only to pull back the curtain on what you see when you look out at the water but also to illuminate how it came to be.